I pray you have had a great week so far and that you were able to celebrate the Memorial Day weekend with family and friends or just alone with a good book.
Have you ever wondered if anyone cares for you enough to stop what they are doing and pray for you? Do you know that I pray for you? I pray over this organization, our clients, our nation, and the world. The world needs praying people. Lately, I have grappled with the various tragedies happening around us. Of course, when a tragedy happens, I pray for the victims and those affected by the tragedy. However, what I am afraid of is one day waking up and viewing these tragedies as just another one, and my prayers become less desperate in asking God to intervene in these situations. It is frightening when you genuinely look at what has happened in our nation over just this year. When we stop being concerned about Ukraine because it is so far away or walk through the streets and don’t even see the person sleeping on the bench or ground, something needs to shake us up again. We need to recognize it is time to pray that God will stir our hearts with compassion.
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